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What type of articles or recipes would you like to see more of?

Use this space to tell us what type of articles or recipes you'd like to see more of on! We would love to hear from you!

  1. Hi Pam!

    I love reading about the every-day life experiences of other patients - the way their disease impacts the home they keep, their relationships, families, jobs, passions, hobbies, etc!

    Can't wait to see what others say 😀

    Amanda (team member)

    1. I'd like to see something, if anything about microscopic colitis.

      1. Thanks so much for your reply, ! You are correct in that we do not have any personal stories regarding microscopic-colitis, so thank you for reaching out! We do, however, have this piece written by our editorial team:

        I will be sure to reach out when we have some personal experiences to share with you! If you have your own, we'd love to hear it!! You can share a story here

        Thank you! Warmly, Pam (team member)

    2. I'd like to see more about every day experiences as well. As we all have our own "new normals" that may have greatly changed our "old" typical daily routines, it is refreshing to know others also have come to accept some of these added rituals such as the daily pills, planned routing, shopping days, and sometimes even just getting out of bed when we're in a mood or not feeling well. Funny or weird experiences? Travel essentials or learned tricks or "lifehacks"? How does IBD impact one's mood, relationships, families and what things have people found to help make sure the negative impacts are as minimal as possible?

      1. Hi ! Thanks for your reply! I feel like I have so many articles that you'd like to read! I'm listing them below 😀

        I could go on and on! If you'd like, you can utilize the "search" tool at the top of our page and enter a key word. It might be helpful to find more articles that interest you!! 😀 Kindly, Pam (team member)

    3. Foods that heal ibd ibs foods that harm stay away from give more recipes and pain relief

      1. -
        Thanks so much for this comment! Have you checked out our recipe section here? There's some great ones from our advocates!

        Let us know if you try any!

        Amanda (Team Member)

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