Which IBD symptom bothers you the most?Living with IBD often means navigating a multitude of symptoms that can profoundly impact our daily lives. Whether it's abdominal pain, fatigue, inflammation, or something else entirely, each symptom presents...Reactions0reactionsComments5 repliesSymptomsCoping
Anyone have very high calprotein level but very mild symptoms? I have been diagnosed with Crohn’s disease. The funny thing here is that my symptom is generally very mild. I’m taking two pills of mezavant every day. I do have...Reactions0reactionsComments22 repliesDiagnosisLiving with Crohn's DiseaseSymptoms
dealing with the changes UC or Crohn's makes in lifeliving with Crohn's or UC changes a lot of things and it can be difficult to deal with the sudden changes. how do you deal with the uncertainty and unpredictability...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesCopingFlare-UpsSymptoms
Gut RumblingsHello, I'm new to the forum. I was diagnosed with small bowel Crohns about a year ago. Still trying to understand when to be concerned and what to do about...Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesSymptoms
Ostomy in the summerHere we go... temps are rising unseasonably warmer than expected by 20 degrees in Wisconsin this week. A reminder to those of us that have an ostomy of never-ending skin...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesTips & AdviceSymptomsSurgery
Do I keep advocating for myself as I am struggling in expressing the severity of how unwell I am Hello, I would really appreciate any guidance and advice as I am so lost. I was first referred on urgent suspected cancer pathway for a slightly raised FIT of 27...Reactions0reactionsComments5 repliesDiagnosisSymptomsTests
Pregnancy, Crohns & Flare UpsHello everyone, I've posted on here previously when I sought advise about when is best to conceive and anything I should bear in mind before trying. Following on from that...Reactions0reactionsComments8 repliesFlare-UpsTips & AdviceSymptoms
Possible Silent IBD???Hi, I'm new to this forum and immensely frustrated with my condition and hoping that someone could please, please help. Unfortunately in 2020, my life changed drastically. I started with...Reactions0reactionsComments8 repliesLiving with Ulcerative ColitisHealthcare TeamSymptoms
Mild crohns but symptomaticHi all. Does anyone have mild crohns with inflammatory levels in normal range, but are still presenting with flare up symptoms? If so, what do you do to manage this?...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesSymptomsFlare-UpsLiving with Crohn's Disease
Child symptoms and how to get a diagnosis. Hi I’m new to the forum but am looking for help with my daughter (just turned 5). From age 3 she started having stomach pains and persistent diaorrhea (5+ times...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesDiagnosisSymptomsTests